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Celo (Wormhole) CELO

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1. Summary


Momentum (beta)
Stack Rankā„¢
52W High price $1.73
52W High date 12th Mar 2024 (1 year ago)
All Time High (ATH) Date 12th Mar 2024 (1 year ago)
ATH Price $1.76
% From ATH -46.25%
All Time Low (ATL) Date 30th Aug 2024 (6 months ago)
ATL Price $0.27
% From ATL 252.35%
Supply & Trading Volume
Trading Volume (24h) $1,667.00
Total Supply 1.00B

Celo is a blockchain platform designed to make decentralized financial (DeFi) tools and services accessible to anyone with a mobile device. It operates two native tokens: CELO, a governance asset for voting on changes to the protocol, and a family of stablecoins pegged to fiat currencies like the US Dollar (cUSD) and the Euro (cEUR). These stableco...

Celo is a blockchain platform designed to make decentralized financial (DeFi) tools and services accessible to anyone with a mobile device. It operates two native tokens: CELO, a governance asset for voting on changes to the protocol, and a family of stablecoins pegged to fiat currencies like the US Dollar (cUSD) and the Euro (cEUR). These stablecoins enable users to share value quickly and easily from their mobile phones.

Celo's blockchain is a complete stack of new blockchain software, core libraries, and end-user applications, including a wallet app. It utilizes a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) consensus algorithm, allowing for low latency, high throughput, and zero carbon emissions. The platform includes mechanisms for lightweight identity and ultralight mobile clients.

Key features of Celo include on-chain governance, programmability with full EVM compatibility, self-custody, and high-speed synchronization. Transaction fees can be paid in stable currencies. The platform supports a wide range of financial tools and services, including non-custodial wallets, digital currency exchange capabilities, and QR code support.

Celo has a native unit of accounting called CELO, comparable to Ether on Ethereum. CELO holders can participate in protocol changes via on-chain governance. The platform aims to create a more inclusive and equitable financial system through blockchain technology, with over 1,000 community projects across 150 countries and millions of unique users and transactions.

2. Price


2.1. Market Performance

How does Celo (Wormhole)'s (CELO) performance compare to the median performance for assets of a similar market capitalization?

30 Day Return




Similar Market Cap

60 Day Return




Similar Market Cap

1 Year Return




Similar Market Cap

3. Developer Activity

We're monitoring 235 Celo (Wormhole) GitHub repos for commits, code additions and deletions. This data is factored into the Developer Rank. Because of delays in GitHub's stat processing, recent activity maybe underrepresented.

Weekly Commits (All Celo (Wormhole) Repos)

Commits vs. The Market

  • Past 4 weeks: 26 commits vs. an average of 0
  • Past 12 weeks: 78 commits vs. an average of 4
  • Past year: 292 commits vs. an average of 71

Most Active Repos

Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year

Top Developers 2025

In total, 100 developers have contributed to Celo (Wormhole) over the past year. Who are the most active Celo (Wormhole) developers, by commits, over the past year?

Related Projects

Developers working on Celo (Wormhole) also worked on these projects.

4. Social Activity

Tip: Toggle each network by clicking the name above

Historic data is only available from 22nd April 2022

Total Followers

Reddit Subscribers
Active Reddit Users (past 24h)
Discord users
Active Discord Users
Telegram Users
Twitter followers 2,771
5. News

No recent news found.

7. More Information

Always do your own research (DYOR) before making any investment. Here's some links you might find helpful:

Website https://celo.org/
Explorer https://etherscan.io/token/0x3294395e62F4eB6aF3f1F...
Twitter @CeloOrg

What is the correct contract address for Celo (Wormhole)?

Ethereum 0x3294395e62f4eb6af3f1fcf89f5602d90fb3ef69
Arbitrum-one 0x4e51ac49bc5e2d87e0ef713e9e5ab2d71ef4f336
Optimistic-ethereum 0x9b88d293b7a791e40d36a39765ffd5a1b9b5c349

Has Celo (Wormhole) been audited for security?

No security audits found for this project.

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