Unilock.Network (OLD) Logo

Unilock.Network (OLD)

Unilock.Network (OLD) header image

1. Summary


Momentum (beta)
Stack Rank™
$0.03 0.0%
Market Cap
$17.00 (#10674)
52W High price $4,204.53
52W High date 21st Mar 2021 (3 years ago)
All Time High (ATH) Date 2nd Dec 2024 (2 months ago)
All Time Low (ATL) Date 2nd Dec 2024 (2 months ago)
Supply & Trading Volume
Trading Volume (24h) $1,467.00

Unilock.Network is not related to the manufacturer described below.

Unilock.Network is not related to the manufacturer described below.

Unilock is a leading manufacturer of interlocking concrete pavers and segmental wall products. They operate through a network of vetted and authorized contractors who install their products. Unilock provides a Transferable Lifetime Guarantee on the structural integrity of their products for residential use. Their product offerings vary by region, and they have a system for visitors to select their region to view locally available products on their website.

Unilock offers various tools and resources, such as the Speed-Calc™ paver and wall calculator, to assist clients and their authorized contractors in designing and planning outdoor projects. They also provide a design visualizer tool, Renoworks, to help clients visualize different products and designs in their outdoor spaces.

Their products incorporate exclusive proprietary technologies like EnduraColor and Elegance, enhancing durability and aesthetics. Unilock maintains an extensive list of projects that use their products and offers a number of resources for customers, including a catalog of design ideas.

2. Price

2.1. Market Performance

How does Unilock.Network (OLD)'s () performance compare to the median performance for assets of a similar market capitalization?

30 Day Return



Similar Market Cap

3. Developer Activity

No GitHub repos found. Either the project is not open source or we don't have data yet.

4. Social Activity

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Historic data is only available from 22nd April 2022

Total Followers

Reddit Subscribers 0
Active Reddit Users (past 24h) 0
Discord users
Active Discord Users
Telegram Users 1,949
Twitter followers 3,042
5. News

No recent news found.

7. More Information

Always do your own research (DYOR) before making any investment. Here's some links you might find helpful:

Website https://unilock.network
Explorer https://etherscan.io/token/0x04ab43d32d0172c76f528...
Twitter @unilock_network

What is the correct contract address for Unilock.Network (OLD)?

Ethereum 0x04ab43d32d0172c76f5287b6619f0aa50af89303

Has Unilock.Network (OLD) been audited for security?

No security audits found for this project.

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