TigerCash Logo


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1. Summary


Momentum (beta)
Stack Rankā„¢
52W High price $0.007613211800
52W High date 26th Oct 2022 (2 years ago)
All Time High (ATH) Date 23rd Nov 2024 (2 months ago)
All Time Low (ATL) Date 23rd Nov 2024 (2 months ago)
Supply & Trading Volume
Trading Volume (24h) $1.00

Tiger Cash (TCH) is a digital token issued by the CoinTiger exchange and operates on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform was launched in November 2017 with a total supply of 1.05 billion TCH, with 672 million currently in circulation. 50 million TCH has been bought back and destroyed, leaving 1 billion TCH remaining. CoinTiger has promised to all...

Tiger Cash (TCH) is a digital token issued by the CoinTiger exchange and operates on the Ethereum blockchain. The platform was launched in November 2017 with a total supply of 1.05 billion TCH, with 672 million currently in circulation. 50 million TCH has been bought back and destroyed, leaving 1 billion TCH remaining. CoinTiger has promised to allocate at least 50% of their net profit to all TCH holders yearly and has cancelled its previous mechanism of buying back and burning TCH. CoinTiger also offers the opportunity for users who hold more than 1% of TCH to become shareholders in their Singaporean company. Future uses planned for TCH include using it for platform transaction fee deductions, platform profit sharing, and participation in decision making processes on the platform.

2. Price

2.1. Market Performance

How does TigerCash's () performance compare to the median performance for assets of a similar market capitalization?

30 Day Return



Similar Market Cap

3. Developer Activity

No GitHub repos found. Either the project is not open source or we don't have data yet.

4. Social Activity

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Historic data is only available from 22nd April 2022

Total Followers

Reddit Subscribers 1,392
Active Reddit Users (past 24h) 8
Discord users
Active Discord Users
Telegram Users 68,872
Twitter followers 0
5. News

No recent news found.

7. More Information

Always do your own research (DYOR) before making any investment. Here's some links you might find helpful:

Website https://www.cointiger.com/en-us/#/index
Explorer https://etherscan.io/token/0x9b39a0b97319a9bd5fed2...
Twitter @CoinTigerEX
reddit /r/CoinTigerExchange

What is the correct contract address for TigerCash?

Ethereum 0x9b39a0b97319a9bd5fed217c1db7b030453bac91
Huobi-token 0x5ecc4b299e23f526980c33fe35eff531a54aedb1
Binance-smart-chain 0x5ecc4b299e23f526980c33fe35eff531a54aedb1

Has TigerCash been audited for security?

No security audits found for this project.

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