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Tellor Tributes TRB

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1. Summary


Momentum (beta)
Stack Rankā„¢
52W High price $262.29
52W High date 31st Dec 2023 (9 months ago)
All Time High (ATH) Date 31st Dec 2023 (9 months ago)
ATH Price $593.09
% From ATH -82.61%
All Time Low (ATL) Date 1st Nov 2019 (4 years ago)
ATL Price $0.01
% From ATL 1029803.12%
Supply & Trading Volume
Trading Volume (24h) $33.23M
Total Supply 2.65M
Circulating Supply 2.60M



Tellor Tributes is a decentralized oracle protocol built on Ethereum. It allows parties to request off-chain data points and have them fetched by a network of miners who compete to add the values to an on-chain data bank accessible by all Ethereum smart contracts.

Data Security

Inputs to the data series are secured by a network of staked miners, which ensures the integrity of the information.

Token Mechanism

The protocol uses a token, denoted as TRB, which facilitates the request of specific data series. The token is used to incentivize data reporters and validators, ensuring the availability of high-value data for decentralized applications.

System Components

The main Tellor smart contract creates a time series for each requested data series, aiming to become the standard source of high-value data. The protocol operates through a permissionless and transparent system, granting access to any data for smart contracts whenever required.

Token Details

The TRB token has a total supply of 2,595,334 tokens, and it supports blockchain interoperability through its ERC20 standard. Further information can be found on the official website and through token trackers.

2. Price


2.1. Market Performance

How does Tellor Tributes's (TRB) performance compare to the median performance for assets of a similar market capitalization?

30 Day Return




Similar Market Cap

60 Day Return




Similar Market Cap

1 Year Return




Similar Market Cap

3. Developer Activity

We're monitoring 169 Tellor Tributes GitHub repos for commits, code additions and deletions. This data is factored into the Developer Rank. Because of delays in GitHub's stat processing, recent activity maybe underrepresented.

Weekly Commits (All Tellor Tributes Repos)

Commits vs. The Market

  • Past 4 weeks: 0 commits vs. an average of 1
  • Past 12 weeks: 0 commits vs. an average of 8
  • Past year: 5 commits vs. an average of 115

Most Active Repos

Past week 14
Past 12 weeks 120
Past year 524
Past week 201
Past 12 weeks 444
Past year 444
Past week 0
Past 12 weeks 2
Past year 176
Past week 0
Past 12 weeks 0
Past year 146
Past week 65
Past 12 weeks 103
Past year 127
Past week 3
Past 12 weeks 4
Past year 126

Top Developers 2024

In total, 439 developers have contributed to Tellor Tributes over the past year. Who are the most active Tellor Tributes developers, by commits, over the past year?

Related Projects

Developers working on Tellor Tributes also worked on these projects.

4. Social Activity

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Historic data is only available from 22nd April 2022

Total Followers

Reddit Subscribers
Active Reddit Users (past 24h)
Discord users
Active Discord Users
Telegram Users 4,256
Twitter followers 43,188
5. News
7. More Information

Always do your own research (DYOR) before making any investment. Here's some links you might find helpful:

Twitter @WeAreTellor

What is the correct contract address for Tellor Tributes?

Xdai 0xaad66432d27737ecf6ed183160adc5ef36ab99f2
Ethereum 0x88df592f8eb5d7bd38bfef7deb0fbc02cf3778a0
Polygon-pos 0xe3322702bedaaed36cddab233360b939775ae5f1
Arbitrum-one 0xd58d345fd9c82262e087d2d0607624b410d88242
Manta-pacific 0x8d7090ddda057f48fdbbb2abcea22d1113ab566a
Optimistic-ethereum 0xaf8ca653fa2772d58f4368b0a71980e9e3ceb888

Has Tellor Tributes been audited for security?

No security audits found for this project.

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