Flower Solana Logo

Flower Solana

Flower Solana header image

1. Summary


Momentum (beta)
Stack Rank™
$0.000000000000 0.0%
Market Cap
$ (#29851)
All Time High (ATH) Date 10th Nov 2024 (3 months ago)
All Time Low (ATL) Date 10th Nov 2024 (3 months ago)
Supply & Trading Volume

Flower Solana

Flower Solana

The Flower Solana project takes its inspiration from the Solanaceae family of flowering plants, commonly known as the nightshade family. This family includes a diverse range of plants such as potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, and petunias. The Solanaceae family is characterized by its flowers, which are typically hermaphroditic, with five fused sepals and petals, and a superior ovary. The plants can be found in various forms, including herbs, shrubs, and small trees, and are widely distributed across the world, particularly in tropical regions.

The project’s name is a nod to the Solana Beach, a coastal area in California where the blockchain’s founders drew inspiration during its development. The Solana symbol, composed of three stacked parallelograms filled with a gradient of colors from green to purple, has become a recognizable emblem within the crypto community, representing a unifying banner for projects and fostering a sense of community among users.

2. Price

2.1. Market Performance

How does Flower Solana's () performance compare to the median performance for assets of a similar market capitalization?

30 Day Return



Similar Market Cap

3. Developer Activity

No GitHub repos found. Either the project is not open source or we don't have data yet.

4. Social Activity

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Historic data is only available from 22nd April 2022

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5. News

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7. More Information

Always do your own research (DYOR) before making any investment. Here's some links you might find helpful:

Website https://flowersolana.com
Explorer https://solscan.io/token/GqvM4xqeegtVgzY5mbEoq8Z9W...
Twitter @FlowerSolana

What is the correct contract address for Flower Solana?

Solana GqvM4xqeegtVgzY5mbEoq8Z9Wf8XpHuAxpg7gXN2dQ37

Has Flower Solana been audited for security?

No security audits found for this project.

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