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Coin of the champions COC

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1. Summary


Momentum (beta)
Stack Rankā„¢
$0.000000000125 0.0%
Market Cap
$12,438.00 (#9597)
99.11T / 992.92T
52W High price $0.000000586700
52W High date 17th Apr 2024 (10 months ago)
All Time High (ATH) Date 13th Oct 2021 (3 years ago)
ATH Price $0.000002370000
% From ATH -99.98%
All Time Low (ATL) Date 26th Oct 2024 (3 months ago)
ATL Price $0.000000000285
% From ATL 69.59%
Supply & Trading Volume
Total Supply 992.92T
Circulating Supply 99.11T

The COC (Coin of Champions) token, based in Italy and launched in July 2021, was created to connect the blockchain and sports industry. The token was launched on the Binance Smart Chain network and is now listed on Pancakeswap. It aims to create a collectible NFT card game based around sports, and includes staking and farming functionalities. COC o...

The COC (Coin of Champions) token, based in Italy and launched in July 2021, was created to connect the blockchain and sports industry. The token was launched on the Binance Smart Chain network and is now listed on Pancakeswap. It aims to create a collectible NFT card game based around sports, and includes staking and farming functionalities. COC operates in a decentralized economic environment and can be used to pay for goods and services. The token supply is set at one trillion, and holders can use the COC tokens to buy goods and services or to purchase historic NFT cards, known as "i continuare." COC will also establish a DAPP to create NFT Tokens related to historic athlete NFT cards, aiming to create a specific market for sports fans. Parts of the token supply will also be donated to ONLUS organizations and non-professional football teams.

2. Price


2.1. Market Performance

How does Coin of the champions's (COC) performance compare to the median performance for assets of a similar market capitalization?

30 Day Return




Similar Market Cap

60 Day Return




Similar Market Cap

1 Year Return




Similar Market Cap

3. Developer Activity

No GitHub repos found. Either the project is not open source or we don't have data yet.

4. Social Activity

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Historic data is only available from 22nd April 2022

Total Followers

Reddit Subscribers 113
Active Reddit Users (past 24h) 4
Discord users
Active Discord Users
Telegram Users 1,115
Twitter followers 3,627
5. News
7. More Information

Always do your own research (DYOR) before making any investment. Here's some links you might find helpful:

Twitter @coinofchampions
reddit /r/coinofchampions

What is the correct contract address for Coin of the champions?

Ethereum 0xc4bb7277a74678f053259cb1f96140347efbfd46
Binance-smart-chain 0xbdc3b3639f7aa19e623a4d603a3fb7ab20115a91

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