AUSD header image

1. Summary

Limited data

  • 100% of the AUSD code repositories are forked (originally copied) from another project.


Momentum (beta)
Stack Rank™
$1.00 -0.1%
Market Cap
$35.23M (#673)
All Time High (ATH) Date 22nd Jul 2024 (1 month ago)
All Time Low (ATL) Date 22nd Jul 2024 (1 month ago)
Supply & Trading Volume
Trading Volume (24h) $5.26M

Agora Dollar

Agora Dollar

Agora Dollar, symbolized by AUSD, is a stablecoin designed to maintain a value equivalent to the US dollar. This digital dollar is fully collateralized and can be freely traded. It is managed by asset management firm VanEck, which ensures that the stablecoin is backed by a mix of cash, U.S. Treasury bills, and overnight repurchase agreements to maintain stability.

Agora Dollar aims to provide a more secure and inclusive financial system globally, making the US dollar accessible to individuals and businesses across the world. This stablecoin is significant for decentralized finance (DeFi) as it serves as a reliable medium of exchange that can be used for trading, lending, and other financial activities without the volatility associated with traditional cryptocurrencies.

AUSD is Agora’s inaugural product, marking the company’s commitment to building a global financial infrastructure. It is set to be available on multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Arbitrum, Optimism, and Sui, expanding its presence and offering a more reliable and efficient financial system.

2. Price


2.1. Market Performance

How does AUSD's (AUSD) performance compare to the median performance for assets of a similar market capitalization?

30 Day Return




Similar Market Cap

3. Developer Activity

We're monitoring 6 AUSD GitHub repos for commits, code additions and deletions. This data is factored into the Developer Rank. Because of delays in GitHub's stat processing, recent activity maybe underrepresented.

Weekly Commits (All AUSD Repos)

Commits vs. The Market

  • Past 4 weeks: 0 commits vs. an average of 2
  • Past 12 weeks: 0 commits vs. an average of 8
  • Past year: 0 commits vs. an average of 114

Most Active Repos

Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year
Past week
Past 12 weeks
Past year

Top Developers 2024

In total, 1 developers have contributed to AUSD over the past year. Who are the most active AUSD developers, by commits, over the past year?

Related Projects

Developers working on AUSD also worked on these projects.

4. Social Activity

Tip: Toggle each network by clicking the name above

Historic data is only available from 22nd April 2022

Total Followers

Reddit Subscribers
Active Reddit Users (past 24h)
Discord users
Active Discord Users
Telegram Users
Twitter followers 3,182
5. News

No recent news found.

7. More Information

Always do your own research (DYOR) before making any investment. Here's some links you might find helpful:

Twitter @agoradollar

What is the correct contract address for AUSD?

Ethereum 0x00000000efe302beaa2b3e6e1b18d08d69a9012a

Has AUSD been audited for security?

No security audits found for this project.

Are you the owner of AUSD? Edit it here

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